2003-07-20 | 11:37 a.m.

Dear _______,

So I�ve re-written this quite a few times now. Still not sure if I should write to you but perhaps it will make me feel a little better. I called you last week left my name and number. I guess that also made me feel better, knowing you had my number and you just didn�t want to call instead of me guessing as to why.

Anyhow- I came back to Oakland three days after I left. Had a great time in Boston and even got a chance to go to Maine to watch two of my best friends jump off cliffs into the water below. Got to go to the beach drive my car and all of those other things I said I�d do. But Frank paid for my ticket back for two weeks and paid for my ticket home and I�ve been staying with some people in Oakland and now that two weeks is up. Well technically on Tuesday night when I fly out again.

But I guess since I was coming into the city today to go to an in-store at Virgin I thought it might make me feel better to drop off a letter to you. I guess I just wanted to tell you that I think of you and I miss you. When we started whatever it was we started I guess I had a different idea of what it was and what it would become - but you can�t blame a girl for being optimistic I suppose. When it didn�t go that way and we saw each other less and less I guess I felt quite heartsick. There were good parts to what we had but that definitely wasn�t what I wanted from you, I wanted something more and so I guess I should be glad it ended this way.

I hope you liked the picture and I hope you are doing well. I am going to include the online link to my diary. Just keep in mind that every writer has artistic license and the quotes generally mean I have not included fiction. It might be nice to see it all from my perspective as I have tried to imagine yours. But alas, it is still a diary. I hope someday to see your name on my called ID. Take Care


Last Five:
HappY THouGHts - 2005-07-11
PrePAid Cell PhONE - 2005-07-12
NOrTH BeaCh ConcLUsioN - 2005-07-14
An IPOD's SHuffle Can BE so CruEL - 2005-07-15
PatIENce is AS PatiENCE Will - 2005-07-28

before | after