2004-01-09 | 5:02 p.m.
Pink TWin BedS

i can see it now.

sitting on your bed

watching you

and that box all the girls got in high school

the keepsake box i keep so much locked in

not you though

you keep junk in it

that i paid for

and the pink blanket on both twin beds

i curled up on

we had a tea party with bleach and pins

but when you poured my glass i threw it acorss the room

it shattered

adn you cut your hands picking up the pieces

Last Five:
HappY THouGHts - 2005-07-11
PrePAid Cell PhONE - 2005-07-12
NOrTH BeaCh ConcLUsioN - 2005-07-14
An IPOD's SHuffle Can BE so CruEL - 2005-07-15
PatIENce is AS PatiENCE Will - 2005-07-28

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